The HoneyBaked Ham asked our team to come up with an idea to keep them top-of-mind for millennials celebrating Friendsgiving. Within two days, we wrote an album of Friendsgiving carols, sung by John Paul Jones (of Bachelor notoriety). No, for real. Two days in the studio, two days of recording. Plus, 2.5 million impressions in the first 24 hours, including a placement on Good Morning America.

Hearing is believing– make sure you check out the entire album at this link. Keep an ear out for me in the background vocals! Enjoy!

Client: The HoneyBaked Ham

Songwriting: Spike Logan, Emily Kurek, Morgan Vines, Clare Davis

Art Direction + Backup Vocals: Emily Kurek

Press: Good Morning America, Adweek, Refinery29, Us Magazine, Elite Daily, Cosmopolitan


The HoneyBaked Hammock


Forget Her Not